Monday, June 4, 2007

Sorry I haven't posted in a while

Hello, sorry I have not posted in a while. Traveling has been intense. I have had lots of people ask me for more resources for Time Management and Organizational Skills. Let me share the titles for a few books that I think are just great on this topic. Julie Morgenstern is a writer that is great on this topic. I have read the following books by her and use her ideas in my trainings. They are:
"Time Management from the Inside Out"
"Organizing from the Inside Out"
"Never Check E-Mail In The Morning" (this is one of my favorites)
and by Kenneth Zeigler
"Organizing For Success"
These will help you organize everything from your home to your office. I have created a task list in my Outlook to track my personal and professional "to do" lists based on these books. It has really helped me become more organized and use my time more efficiently. I hope they help you as well. Here is a link to her website

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